hinterlands – body/environment workshop created and run by Ailsa Richardson
Workshop created and run by Ailsa Richardson
May 2012 at Penpynfarch creative retreat centre www.penpynfarch.co.uk
My intention for this workshop was to explore and widen
awareness of the intersections between bodies and environments. The environment
here includes other bodies as well as the natural-managed environments we move
through and are placed within. I was also attempting to find an integration of
performance colaborativa e vídeo
collaborative performance and video
foto Felipe Gaieski
Video: Marcelo Monteiro
Collaborative Performance: Carla Vendramin, Cibele Sastre, Darjá Cardoso, Luis Gutierrez, Marcelo Monteiro, Tatiana da Rosa e Vanessa Berg.
30th March 2012 at Estúdio Hybrido
Porto Alegre
foto Marcelo Monteiro
foto Felipe Gaieski
Oficina no Centro Meme e Parque da Redenção em Porto Alegre, Workshop in the Meme Centre and Rendenção Park in Porto Alegre Brasil
Oficina no Centro Meme e Parque da Redenção em Porto Alegre, facilitado por Carla Vendramin - Janeiro 2012.
Workshop in the Meme Centre and Rendenção Park in Porto Alegre - facilitated by Carla Vendramin - January 2012.
Gabriela Canale
Indiara de Souza
Josiane Franken
Julia Duda
Letícia Coelho
Paulo Guimarães
O ambiente modifica o corpo... experimentando as suas propriedades, usando os sentidos,...
experiências no parque da redenção - "never ever be the censor"
"never ever be the censor" imagens de Letícia Castilhos. Edição de Gabriela.
publicada originalmente em Multigraphia...
Improvisation Laboratory
It's been a week now since the end of the intensive impro lab. I am still thinking about what happened and will be updating the linked blog with more as I go. For now, a video still.
This is me in scaffolding being used in the daytimes to re-tuck-point the Fremantle Arts Centre - a convict built ex-asylu...
Marnie Orr and Rachel Sweeneybody | land | relation Immersive Physical Laboratory for dance and visual artistsAdaptation took place in Dartmoor National Park between 6-11 April 2010. Adaptation was a residential intensive for professional dance and visual artists, exploring immersive approaches to site based movement and visual performance practices.Facilitated by ROCKface interdisciplinary performance research collective, Marnie...
SL Warm-Up: Stretching the Iliopsoas and Piriformis muscles
The piriformis and iliopsoas are two muscles often hard to access by basic stretching and exercise. When tight, both muscles independently have been known to exacerbate or be responsible for sciatic pain and/or lower back pain. The standing stretches outlined below enable deep access into the pelvis and free up the spine, making the series an ideal lead-in for Bodyweather MB training. Although this standing stretches series can...
'Slant' on 10/09/09
Julie Cleves, Carla Vendramin and Kimberley Harvey
Normal 0 0 1 50 287 2 1 352 11.0 0 0 0 the ceiling on my feet my feet escape sideways and my arms now oppose ceiling and floor change points of reference again and again until even gravity could appear to happen in different directions until it is just an arbitrary decision wishing to be a non-decision...
My artistic collaborator Deborah Black and I are beginning work on a new Dry Earth production, Childress. In this work we will be simultaneously presenting the embodied ecology of a small North Texas town (USA) AND the story of a young couple starting out their lives together during the time of the Great American Dust Bowl.In our last rehearsal, Deborah mentioned her interest in exploring the methods...
Encounters within my process...
by Carla Vendramin
I arrived in Llandecwyn – Wales for the body weather workshop 11-17 June/09, stunned by the beautiful landscape! The workshop was a great opportunity to find space to delve a bit more into processing my work, my dance, my training, my life. We went through a series of walks and experienced a series of proposals led by Frank. We also had, every day, a moment allocated to developing a personal project. My...
The Plant! The Plant is upright!
Photograph by Heidrun Löhr of Michelle Outram in 'Language of Loss', Nikki Heywood 2007.The plant and I. The pile of couches. The floor.A rosemary bu...
Transference of Properties - tool for connection
Body: Rachel Sweeney, Dartmoor, Devon UK. Creator: ROCKface (Orr & Sweeney) during Mapping Project, March 2007. The softness of this environment - the grass between her fingers, the twigs above her head, the only tree for miles, shelters her from the open, wild moor - is reflected in the softness of her cheeks, eyes, mouth, touch. This is the transference of properti...
You Only Need Your Skeleton ... B O N E S ...
TRE Task 2 - : For Marnie from CarlaLook at the skeleton in relation to the centre. Observe what is the effort of your muscles. Taken from Feldenkrais:You can rely on your skeleton to move rather than relying on a muscular action. The format and the connections of the bones with the muscles and ligaments and tendons. So the effort that I make and how I make it. WOrking in training - indoors envir...
A Meeting of Two Bodies: Me & Tree
TRE Task 2 - Approach as an encounter between two bodiesTask for Carla whilst at Frank van de Ven Bodyweather choreographic / body|landscape workshop: Focus on continuing work with encounters between tree body and my bodyMarnie proposes Carla to focus on the difference and the transition between passiveness and action in terms of the transference of properties between the two bodies.What are the properties...
Transnational Research Exchange - Centre through Muscular Response
Focusing on my centre:Only yet exploring the question from training sessions in studio.It was about strength / my power base.My ability to go where I want. To be versitile in terms of body action.Could go further - direct - deeper in the movement within MB Bodyweather MB training indoors, not leading"constantly re-engaging with myself through the centre"constantly reflection in action - and knowledge...
External Locus of Control - WIND
Body state variations in focusing on the presence of wind. Movement Lab 09. Creator: Marnie Orr. Bodies (L-R):Caitlin McLouglin; Michelle Outram; Justin Morrissey. City Beach, Perth, Australia, Jan-Feb ...
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Workshop created and run by Ailsa Richardson May 2012 at Penpynfarch creative retreat centre www. penpynfarch .co.uk M...
The piriformis and iliopsoas are two muscles often hard to access by basic stretching and exercise. When tight, both muscles independently h...
Marnie Orr and Rachel Sweeney body | land | relation Immersive Physical Laboratory for dance and visual artists Adaptation took place in Da...
"never ever be the censor" imagens de Letícia Castilhos. Edição de Gabriela. publicada originalmente em Multigraphias.
It's been a week now since the end of the intensive impro lab. I am still thinking about what happened and will be updating the linked b...
Oficina no Centro Meme e Parque da Redenção em Porto Alegre, facilitado por Carla Vendramin - Janeiro 2012. Workshop in the Meme Centre ...
by Carla Vendramin I arrived in Llandecwyn – Wales for the body weather workshop 11-17 June/09, stunned by the beautiful landscape! Th...
PEP - Performance Estudies Programme
My artistic collaborator Deborah Black and I are beginning work on a new Dry Earth production, Childress . In this work we will be simultane...
In process... Body&Environment is a virtual space which propitiate networking, advertise the artist’s work, create a body of knowledg...
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Workshop created and run by Ailsa Richardson May 2012 at Penpynfarch creative retreat centre www. penpynfarch .co.uk M...
The piriformis and iliopsoas are two muscles often hard to access by basic stretching and exercise. When tight, both muscles independently h...
Marnie Orr and Rachel Sweeney body | land | relation Immersive Physical Laboratory for dance and visual artists Adaptation took place in Da...
"never ever be the censor" imagens de Letícia Castilhos. Edição de Gabriela. publicada originalmente em Multigraphias.
It's been a week now since the end of the intensive impro lab. I am still thinking about what happened and will be updating the linked b...
Oficina no Centro Meme e Parque da Redenção em Porto Alegre, facilitado por Carla Vendramin - Janeiro 2012. Workshop in the Meme Centre ...
by Carla Vendramin I arrived in Llandecwyn – Wales for the body weather workshop 11-17 June/09, stunned by the beautiful landscape! Th...
PEP - Performance Estudies Programme
My artistic collaborator Deborah Black and I are beginning work on a new Dry Earth production, Childress . In this work we will be simultane...
In process... Body&Environment is a virtual space which propitiate networking, advertise the artist’s work, create a body of knowledg...